
Documentation - Table of contents

1. Installation guide

The BowlFish installation procedure is very similar to the standard, text-based, OpenBSD installation: this should make it look more friendly to OpenBSD aficionados and allow you to almost fully configure the system at installation time.

It will install a stripped-down version of OpenBSD onto a Compact Flash card, attached through a USB or IDE adapter, tailored to run on embedded systems like Soekris, WRAP or ALIX boards.

1.1 Pre-installation checklist

Before starting the install, you need to perform a few preliminary steps:

  1. download the required files;
  2. build a custom kernel (optional);
  3. gather all the necessary information about the system.

Let's see these steps in detail.

1.1.1 Downloading files

Once you have downloaded and unpacked the BowlFish tarball,

$ tar -zxvf bowlfish-2.1.tgz

you also need to download the baseXX.tgz and etcXX.tgz file sets from the current OpenBSD release. Putting them in the installation directory will allow BowlFish to find them automatically, without bothering you asking for their path.

$ cd bowlfish-2.1
$ ftp -V
100% |**************************************************|   507 KB    00:00
$ ftp -V
100% |**************************************************| 53505 KB    00:49

1.1.2 Building a custom kernel

Since decent-size CF cards have become pretty cheap nowadays, it's no more necessary to compile a custom kernel to save a few MBs of disk space; so I would recommend using the standard bsd kernel.

Anyway, if you prefer building a custom kernel, to make it smaller and faster at boot time, the BowlFish tarball contains the kernel configuration files for various systems (borrowed from flashdist):

kernel configuration file for soekris net4501, net4511, net4521, and net4526 boards;
kernel configuration file for soekris net4801 and net5501 boards and PC Engines WRAP and ALIX boards;

Copy the file appropriate to your hardware in /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/conf/ (if this directory doesn't exist, you need to download the src.tar.gz and sys.tar.gz files and extract them in /usr/src/), then config(8) and build the kernel; for instance, if you're installing BowlFish on a Soekris Net4521, type:

$ cp NET45xx /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/conf/
$ cd /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/conf/
$ config NET45xx
Don't forget to run "make depend"
$ cd ../compile/NET45xx
$ make clean && make depend && make

You will find your fresh new kernel in /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/NET45xx/.

A brief note about WRAP and ALIX boards: their default console baud rate is 38400 instead of 19200. Consequently, you should modify the console speed in the GEODE file:

option		CONSPEED=38400

1.1.3 Required information

Before you start the install, you will also want to know the following items:

  1. Disk geometry: BowlFish will prompt you for the number of sectors/track, tracks/cylinder (heads) and cylinders of the disk. In any case, it will try to guess the correct values and prompt them as defaults (this may not work if you're installing on a vnode disk).
    Anyway, if you want to be sure about these values, you can retrieve them by connecting to the system with a null-modem cable, plugging the flash in and powering the system up. You will get an output like:
    # cu -s 19200 -l cua00
    comBIOS ver. 1.26a  20040819  Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Soekris Engineering.
    0064 Mbyte Memory                        CPU 80486 133 Mhz 
    Pri Mas  SanDisk SDCFB-64                LBA 490-8-32  62 Mbyte
    The values 490-8-32 (named C-H-S values, Cylinders-Heads-Sectors) are what we're looking for: 490 cylinders, 8 heads and 32 sectors/track.
  2. Machine name;
  3. Network settings: if you don't use DHCP, you will be prompted for:
    • Domain name;
    • Domain name server(s) (DNS) address;
    • IP address and subnet mask for each NIC;
    • Gateway address;
  4. Software to install: by default, BowlFish will build a system that should meet most needs; anyway, it is very easy to customize.
    The file install.files contains the list of binaries and configuration files that will be extracted from the baseXX.tgz and etcXX.tgz file sets. The list is divided into two groups:
    • [base], containing the base OpenBSD system files to extract, and
    • [etc], containing the configuration files to extract in /etc.
    Feel free to edit it to remove anything you don't need or to add anything I may have forgotten. For instance, to install Apache, just add the following lines to install.files (this won't copy icons and manual, saving a little space):
    [ base ]
    [ etc ]
    Like the standard OpenBSD install script, BowlFish also lets you select a custom file set (named site.tgz), to allow you to add to and/or override the files installed in the "normal" sets. The site.tgz file set must be, like the other file sets, a gzip(1) compressed tar(1) archive rooted in "/" and is un-tarred with the options "zxpf". This set will be installed last.

1.2 Performing the install

We're now ready to start the install! Just run the install script (you must be root to perform the installation):

# ./install

Welcome to the BowlFish installation program.

This program will help you install OpenBSD in a simple and rational way.
Default answers are shown in []'s and are selected by pressing RETURN.
At any time you can exit this program by pressing Control-C.

1.2.1 Network configuration

You must now set the system name

System hostname? (short form, e.g. 'foo') net4521

Since you're not installing directly on the target system, BowlFish won't be able to guess the available network interfaces, so you will need to provide the names yourself (usually ethernet interfaces are sisX). For example, my net4521 system has two ethernet NICs and one PCMCIA wireless card:

Which network interface do you wish to configure? (or 'done') sis0
Symbolic (host) name for sis0? [net4521] net4521-int
IPv4 address for sis0? (or 'dhcp' or 'none') [dhcp]
Netmask? [] Enter
Which network interface do you wish to configure? (or 'done') sis1
Symbolic (host) name for sis1? [net4521] net4521-ext
IPv4 address for sis1? (or 'dhcp' or 'none') [dhcp]
Netmask? [] Enter
Which network interface do you wish to configure? (or 'done') wi0
Symbolic (host) name for wi0? [net4521] net4521-wi
IPv4 address for wi0? (or 'dhcp' or 'none') [dhcp]
Netmask? [] Enter
Which network interface do you wish to configure? (or 'done') done
Default IPv4 route? (IPv4 address, 'dhcp' or 'none')
DNS domain name? (e.g. 'bar'com') [my.domain]
DNS nameservers? (IP address list or 'none') [none]

1.2.2 Services and users

The next step is to set the password for the root account:

Password for root account? (will not echo) pAssWOrd
Password for root account? (again) pAssWOrd

Next are a few questions about which services to start by default; the second question allows you to enable OpenNTPD at boot and to specify a time server (or "default" for

Start sshd(8) by default? [yes] Enter
Start ntpd(8) by default? [no] yes
NTP server? (or 'none' or 'default') [default] Enter

Since the filesystem will be read-only, you may want to send logs to a remote server. Otherwise, the system will log to ramdisk and logs will be lost on reboot.

Central syslog server? ('none' for ramdisk logging) [none]

You are then given the opportunity to create a user for system maintenance; this user will be a member of the wheel group in order to be able to su(1) to root.

Setup a user? (enter a lower-case loginname, or 'no') [no] danix
Full user name for danix? [danix] Daniele Mazzocchio
Password for danix account? (will not echo) pAssWOrd
Password for danix account? (again) pAssWOrd
Since you set up a user, disable sshd(8) logins to root? [yes] Enter

Next, BowlFish will prompt you for the time zone:

What timezone are you in? ('?' for list) [Canada/Mountain] ?
Africa/      Chile/       GB-Eire      Israel       NZ-CHAT      UCT
America/     Cuba         GMT          Jamaica      Navajo       US/
Antarctica/  EET          GMT+0        Japan        PRC          UTC
Arctic/      EST          GMT-0        Kwajalein    PST8PDT      Universal
Asia/        EST5EDT      GMT0         Libya        Pacific/     W-SU
Atlantic/    Egypt        Greenwich    MET          Poland       WET
Australia/   Eire         HST          MST          Portugal     Zulu
Brazil/      Etc/         Hongkong     MST7MDT      ROC          posix/
CET          Europe/      Iceland      Mexico/      ROK          posixrules
CST6CDT      Factory      Indian/      Mideast/     Singapore    right/
Canada/      GB           Iran         NZ           Turkey
What timezone are you in? ('?' for list) [Canada/Mountain] Europe
What sub-timezone of 'Europe' are you in? ('?' for list) ?
Amsterdam    Chisinau     Kiev         Moscow       Sarajevo     Vatican
Andorra      Copenhagen   Lisbon       Nicosia      Simferopol   Vienna
Athens       Dublin       Ljubljana    Oslo         Skopje       Vilnius
Belfast      Gibraltar    London       Paris        Sofia        Volgograd
Belgrade     Guernsey     Luxembourg   Podgorica    Stockholm    Warsaw
Berlin       Helsinki     Madrid       Prague       Tallinn      Zagreb
Bratislava   Isle_of_Man  Malta        Riga         Tirane       Zaporozhye
Brussels     Istanbul     Mariehamn    Rome         Tiraspol     Zurich
Bucharest    Jersey       Minsk        Samara       Uzhgorod
Budapest     Kaliningrad  Monaco       San_Marino   Vaduz
What sub-timezone of 'Europe' are you in? ('?' for list) Rome

1.2.3 Disk setup and file sets

You will now initialize the disk that BowlFish will use. In this example, my compact flash card is at sd0; if you're installing on a vnode disk, type "vnd0" instead:

Which is the root disk? [sd0] Enter

You will now be prompted for sd0 disk geometry. Defaults should be fine, but
you may have good reasons for overriding them.

Sectors/track? [32] Enter
Tracks/cylinder (heads)? [8] Enter
Cylinders? [490] Enter

As you can see, BowlFish guessed the correct C-H-S values and prompted them as defaults: simply press Enter to accept them. If you're installing on a vnode disk instead, you will probably have to enter the correct values.

At this point, BowlFish runs fdisk(8) to initialize the Master Boot Record partition data, disklabel(8) to install the label on the disk and newfs(8) to build the new filesystem.

Setting OpenBSD MBR partition to whole sd0... done.
/dev/rsd0a: 61.1MB in 125184 sectors of 512 bytes
4 cylinder groups of 15.28MB, 978 blocks, 2048 inodes each
/dev/sd0a on /tmp/tmp.ehHHiVp8lM type ffs (rw, asynchronous, local, ctime=Thu Jun 24 23:42:40 2010)

Now it's time to install the sets. If you have put them all (bsd, baseXX.tgz, etcXX.tgz and bowlfish.tgz) in the working directory, Bowlfish will find them automatically, and you won't have to specify their path. If any of them is not in the current directory, you will be prompted for its directory pathname.

Let's install the sets!
Pathname to 'bsd'? /

In this case, BowlFish has found all the sets, except the kernel, in the working directory. However, it has not found the (optional) site.tgz file, and asks for it:

Do you wish to install a custom fileset (site.tgz)? [no] y
Pathname to 'site.tgz'? ../../software/

The following sets will be installed:


Ready to install sets? [yes] Enter
Getting bsd ...
100% |******************************************************|  8809 KB    00:00 
Getting base49.tgz ...
100% |******************************************************| 53505 KB    00:05 
Getting etc49.tgz ...
100% |******************************************************|   507 KB    00:00 
Getting bowlfish.tgz ...
100% |******************************************************|  6030       00:00 
Getting site.tgz ...
100% |******************************************************|  2274 KB    00:00 
Installing library dependencies for base49.tgz... done.

BowlFish automatically determines which libraries are required by the binaries extracted from the baseXX.tgz package, so you don't need to worry about this.

The last steps are for BowlFish to save the configuration files, generate the sshd(8) and isakmpd(8) keys, create the device nodes and install the boot block with installboot(8).

Saving configuration files... done.
ssh-keygen: generating new DSA host key... done.
ssh-keygen: generating new RSA host key... done.
ssh-keygen: generating new RSA1 host key... done.
openssl: generating new isakmpd RSA key... done.
Making all device nodes... done
Installing boot block...
boot: /tmp/tmp.ehHHiVp8lM/boot proto: /usr/mdec/biosboot device: /dev/rsd0c
/tmp/tmp.ehHHiVp8lM/boot is 3 blocks x 16384 bytes
fs block shift 2; part offset 63; inode block 24, offset 4520
using MBR partition 3: type 0xA6 offset 32

CONGRATULATIONS! Your BowlFish install has been successfully completed!
Have fun!

1.3 Post-installation customization

Now your compact flash card is a bootable OpenBSD disk. However, before plugging it into the board, you may want to add some "before-first-boot" configuration.

For instance, if the system will be a firewall, after you mount the disk (using chroot(8) avoids confusion with the system you're building from):

# mount /dev/sd0a /mnt/
# chroot /mnt/

you should, at least, edit the /etc/sysctl.conf(5) file to enable IP forwarding:


and of course edit the packet filter configuration file, /etc/pf.conf(5).

You may also add further network configuration information (e.g. a WEP key for wireless NICs), zone files if you installed named(8), web pages if you installed Apache, add users and so on.

Once your system is fully configured, you can unmount the compact flash card, plug it into the board and power the device up. Everything should run fine and dandy; anyway, if you want to make changes to the system while it's running, you have to first mount the disk read-write:

# mount -o rw,noatime /dev/wd0a /

and then remember to mount it back read-only when you're done.

# mount -o ro /dev/wd0a /

Root's profile contains a couple of aliases (rw and ro) to make this faster.

You may also find the following links useful:

Again, a brief note about WRAP and ALIX boards: to reflect the different console speed (see above), you should modify /etc/boot.conf and /etc/ttys:

set tty com0
stty com0 38400
tty00	"/usr/libexec/getty std.38400"	vt100	on  secure

1.4 Installing on a vnode disk

If you're planning to build multiple similar systems, you may consider installing BowlFish on a virtual disk image, using vnconfig(8). This will let you create a binary image of the system that you can write to any number of (identical) flash cards.

The first step is to create a file of the size of your flash card. For instance, for a 64MB CF, type:

# dd if=/dev/zero of=net4521.img bs=512 count=125440
125440+0 records in
125440+0 records out
64225280 bytes transferred in 1.270 secs (50534757 bytes/sec)

Here bs is the number of bytes/sector (usually 512) and count is the number of sectors to write. Remember how we initially got our disk geometry (C-H-S values)? Well, multiply these values (490 * 8 * 32, in our example) and you'll get the total number of sectors.

Next, configure the file as a pseudo disk device with vnconfig(8):

# vnconfig -c vnd0 net4521.img

You can now install BowlFish on the vnd0 disk. Be careful, when prompted, to provide the correct disk geometry, because BowlFish won't probably be able to guess the correct values.

# ./install
Which is the root disk? [sd0] vnd0

You will now be prompted for vnd0 disk geometry. Defaults should be fine, but
you may have good reasons for overriding them.

Sectors/track? [100] 32
Tracks/cylinder (heads)? [1] 8
Cylinders? [1254] 490

Once you have finished your installation, unconfigure the virtual disk:

# vnconfig -u vnd0

and dd(1) the image to the flash card:

# dd if=net4521.img of=/dev/sd0c bs=512

2. Filesystem layout

The first time you log into the system, you'll probably notice that its main oddity is its filesystem layout. You will find a read-only / filesystem, a memory-mapped /tmp directory and that /var and /root are symlinks (to /tmp/var and /tmp/root respectively).

All this is due to the fact that compact flash cards have a limited number of write cycles per sector before that sector becomes unusable. As a consequence, the flash card has to be mounted read-only. Directories that must be read-write (/tmp, /var and /root) instead, are mapped to memory with mount_mfs(8). This avoids logging and creating temporary files on the compact flash.

As you can see from fstab(5),

/dev/wd0a       /       ffs     ro                              1 1
swap            /tmp    mfs     rw,nosuid,-P=/tmplate,-s=16384  0 0

at boot time /tmp is mounted on a 8MB memory filesystem (-s=16384) and populated with the contents of the /tmplate directory (-P=/tmplate). This directory is a template of /tmp and includes the /tmp/var and /tmp/root directory trees, which are the targets of the /var and /root symlinks.

The /var directory also contains the pseudo-terminal devices (in /var/run/dev): the system must be able to change their owner and permissions, so they can't reside on the (read-only) /dev filesystem.

3. Frequently Asked Questions

3.1 How do I change the size of the memory-based /tmp file system?

The size of the /tmp filesystem is set in /etc/fstab(5) (see above); it is determined by the "-s" option and defaults to 16384 sectors, i.e. 8MB (1 sector = 512 bytes).

If you wish to make /tmp larger, just mount the "/" filesystem read-write and edit /etc/fstab(5) to adjust the size of /tmp according to your needs (for example, "-s=65536" will build a 32MB /tmp filesystem):

[ ... ]
swap            /tmp    mfs     rw,nosuid,-P=/tmplate,-s=65536  0 0

and then reboot.

3.2 Is there a limit to how big the /tmp filesystem can be?

According to the documentation, the maximum theoretical size of a memory-based filesystem is (2^31 - 1) sectors, which is slightly less than 1TB, assuming a sector size of 512 bytes. Note however that for mount_mfs(8) the practical limit is based on datasize in login.conf(5), and ultimately depends on the per-arch MAXDSIZ limit.

By default, the value of the datasize capability is 512MB, but can be easily changed by editing the login.conf(5) file; the MAXDSIZ constant, instead, is defined in /usr/sys/arch/i386/include/vmparam.h (for the i386 architecture) and defaults to 1GB; changing its value requires that you recompile the kernel.

3.3 How do I install packages on a BowlFish system?

To minimize disk space usage, BowlFish includes only the strictly necessary binaries and files; as a consequence, you won't find any of the usual commands for managing precompiled software packages, such as pkg_add(1).

Anyway, if you want these commands to be available, just copy the following files and directories from an OpenBSD system to your BowlFish device:


Alternatively, you could add this file list to install.files (in the [base] section) to get them automatically included during the installation.

Note: OpenBSD collects information about installed packages in the /var/db/pkg directory; since /var is a RAM-based filesystem, this is information will be lost at reboot, unless you manually copy it to /tmplate/var/db/pkg. Logo

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