( *
 * Sudokiller.gf - A Sudoku solver in Forth
 * Two versions:
 *   - the simple one includes board in code
 *   - the longer one reads the board from a text file (and is HEX sudo !) 
 * Download sources
 * )

( *
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  at your option any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 * )
( written by David Stevenson March 2006 david at avoncliff dot com )
( Based on Daniele Mazzocchio's sudokiller.asm )
( for gforth - although should work in others. Note rdrop may need to be r>drop )
." Sudoka in Forth "

create board ( enter your own board here )
2 c, 0 c, 0 c, 6 c, 7 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 
0 c, 0 c, 6 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 2 c, 0 c, 1 c, 
4 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 8 c, 0 c, 0 c, 
5 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 9 c, 3 c, 0 c, 0 c, 
0 c, 3 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 5 c, 0 c, 
0 c, 0 c, 2 c, 8 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 7 c, 
0 c, 0 c, 1 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 4 c, 
7 c, 0 c, 8 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 6 c, 0 c, 0 c, 
0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 0 c, 5 c, 3 c, 0 c, 0 c, 8 c, 

( display board )
: print_val ( addr -- ) 
                c@ dup 0= if ." - " drop else . then ;
: print_line ( addr -- )
                9 0 do dup i + print_val loop cr drop ;
: print_board ( -- )
                cr 9 0 do board 9 i * + print_line loop ;
( now solve it )
: check_row ( addr num -- f) ( 0 = num found )
        swap 9 0 do 2dup i + c@ = if unloop 2drop 0 exit then loop 2drop 1 ;
: check_col ( addr num -- f)
        swap 9 0 do 2dup 9 i * + c@ = if unloop 2drop 0 exit then loop 2drop 1 ;
: check_box ( addr num -- f )
        swap 3 0 do 2dup i + c@ = if unloop 2drop 0 exit then loop
            12 9 do 2dup i + c@ = if unloop 2drop 0 exit then loop
           21 18 do 2dup i + c@ = if unloop 2drop 0 exit then loop 2drop 1 ;
: box_calc ( cell -- box )
        27 /mod 27 * swap 9 mod 3 / 3 * + ;
: check_cell ( cell num -- f )
        >r dup 9 / 9 * board + r@ check_row 0= if rdrop drop 0 exit then 
                dup 9 mod board + r@ check_col 0= if rdrop drop 0 exit then
                box_calc board + r@ check_box 0= if rdrop 0 exit then rdrop 1 ;
: guess ( cell -- f ) recursive
        dup 81 = if drop  1 exit then
        dup board + c@ if 1 + guess exit then
        10 1 do 
                dup i check_cell if 
                        dup board + i swap c!
                        dup 1+ guess if drop 1 unloop exit then 
        loop board + 0 swap c! 0 ;
: sudokiller 0 guess if print_board else ." No solution found " then ;

( *
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  at your option any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 * )
( written by David Stevenson March 2006 david at avoncliff dot com )
( Based on Daniele Mazzocchio's sudokiller.asm )
( for gforth - although should work in others. Note rdrop may need to be r>drop )
." Sudoka in Forth "
( version 4 - reads from file 16x16 puzzle )
16 constant width
256 constant size
255 constant empty

variable board size allot
board size empty fill

( read file into buffer )
variable buff 1000 allot
s" sud_puzzle1" r/o open-file throw Value fh
buff 1000 fh read-file throw drop
fh close-file throw

( parse buffer and put values in array )
: test-char ( c -- f )
        dup 44 < swap
            70 > or ;  
variable pos-buf 0 pos-buf !
: get-next-val  ( -- n )
        begin buff pos-buf @ + c@
        dup test-char while ( false will exit with -- n )
        drop pos-buf 1 swap +! repeat ;
: load_square ( addr -- )
        get-next-val dup 47 > 
        if      48 - dup 9 > if 7 - then swap c!        
        else drop drop 
        then ;                  
: load_line ( addr -- )
        width 0 do dup  i +  load_square pos-buf 1 swap +! loop drop ;
: load_board ( -- )
        width 0 do board width i * + load_line loop ;

( display board )
: print_val ( addr -- ) 
                c@ dup empty = if ." - " drop else hex . decimal then ;
: print_line ( addr -- )
                width 0 do dup i + print_val loop cr drop ;
: print_board ( -- )
                cr width 0 do board width i * + print_line loop ;
( now solve it )
: check_row ( addr num -- f) ( 0 = num found )
        swap width 0 do 2dup i + c@ = if unloop 2drop 0 exit then loop 2drop 1 ;
: check_col ( addr num -- f)
        swap width 0 do 2dup width i * + c@ = if unloop 2drop 0 exit then loop 2drop 1 ;
: check_box ( addr num -- f )
        swap 4 0 do 2dup i + c@ = if unloop 2drop 0 exit then loop
            20 16 do 2dup i + c@ = if unloop 2drop 0 exit then loop
            36 32 do 2dup i + c@ = if unloop 2drop 0 exit then loop
            52 48 do 2dup i + c@ = if unloop 2drop 0 exit then loop 2drop 1 ;
: box_calc ( cell -- box )
        64 /mod 64 * swap 16 mod 4 / 4 * + ;
: check_cell ( cell num -- f )
        >r dup width / width * board + r@ check_row 0= if rdrop drop 0 exit then 
                dup width mod board + r@ check_col 0= if rdrop drop 0 exit then
                box_calc board + r@ check_box 0= if rdrop 0 exit then rdrop 1 ;
: guess ( cell -- f ) recursive
        dup size = if drop  1 exit then
        dup board + c@ 255 <> if 1 + guess exit then
        16 0 do 
                dup i check_cell if 
                        dup board + i swap c!
                        dup 1+ guess if drop 1 unloop exit then 
        loop board + empty swap c! 0 ;
: sudo4 load_board 0 guess if print_board else ." No solution found " then ;
